• March 18, 2021
  • Pristine@admin
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Patricia Baronowski-Schneider
Pristine Advisers
New York, NY
Patricia is CEO of Pristine Advisers, an IR/PR/Media Relations/Marketing firm with 33 years of experience working her way to starting her own Company a decade ago. She can be reached at pbaronowski@pristineadvisers.com


The role of investor relations has been evolved over the years and is subject to constant change. It is sensitive to the changes in the law of the land, new technologies, and market trends that are very unpredictable. To be successful, the investor relations (IR) team must constantly work towards evolving and being flexible to change. In this blog, we have listed the evolutions the IR has gone into in recent times.

1. Communication with individual investors 

Due to the advancement of new technologies and their facilities, many retail investors are entering the stock market. Therefore companies have to adapt their communication styles in a way that meets the demands of the audience. IR professionals have to stay a step ahead to attract these investors. They do this by sending out invitations for events, gaining access to the management, and opening the communication channel with the IR department.

2. Metrics to see the effectiveness of the IR program

It is not easy to determine the IR team’s success as the data is not as simple. By analyzing share prices to determine the IR team’s success, we will not do justice to their efforts, neither looking at the number of meetings and conferences held by the team show any relevancy to their success. The big issue for the IR officer is to convince the C-suite to be about the team’s success. 

The efforts of the IR team lie in reducing capital cost, generating value in share price, managing the company’s shareholder based on the company’s mission and goals, maintaining relationships with analysts, measuring the conversion rates of each prospect investors into actual shareholders, improving overall results of meeting and conferences, and monitoring of law compliance.

3. Adopting standards to report ESG Factors

Investors want every company to care for environmental, social, and corporate grievances issues. They want them to present data on these matters and publish them on their websites and other communication platforms such as social media. ESG (environmental, social corporate governance) is gaining a lot of importance these days. Some companies have already published these reports on their communication channels for investors to go through them before investing in their business. It is the IR team’s responsibility now that they publish them by the law.

4. Automation of process that improves time management 

IR professionals are being pressured by the changing laws to present new ESG data. It will not be possible without new technology that helps reduce the time spent on managing the companies and will allow a more targeted work approach. It is done through digital means such as virtual roadshow platforms, pre-recorded videos for disclosing results, a single click mailing system, and targeting intelligence tools.


We are committed to providing you the best marketing tools to promote your brand and its offerings at reasonable prices. We are an award-winning firm and have been featured in the media as well. We are a firm having expertise in Investor Relations (IR), Public Relations (PR), and Marketing. We can chalk out a customized marketing strategy to cater to your brand to have the best result.