• March 18, 2021
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Patricia Baronowski-Schneider
Pristine Advisers
New York, NY
Patricia is CEO of Pristine Advisers, an IR/PR/Media Relations/Marketing firm with 33 years of experience working her way to starting her own Company a decade ago. She can be reached at pbaronowski@pristineadvisers.com


The world is changing, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic has made things in the world go upside down. Businesses around the globe have changed their strategies to survive. Just like how the disease has been life-threatening for humans, it has been posing a risk to businesses as well. Even with the use of fast-changing technology is revolutionized. There are now methods of doing business, which were not there before. With the revolution in business dynamics, there comes the role of E-commerce. Most businesses have taken residence online to reach their customers more efficiently. Due to the Covid-related restrictions worldwide, such as with the lockdown, it has made it difficult for conventional brick and mortar stores to function. 

However, even before the coronavirus broke out, people preferred shopping online from their homes and couches’ comfort. These both factors have played a role in shaping E-commerce into what it is today. 

The year 2020 was a massive one for E-commerce, and in this blog, we will see the latest trends in the e-commerce industry.

1. Customers prefer buying from online stores

Many people found it convenient to go online and make their purchases for whatever they need. Meanwhile, due to the lockdown, people have been forced to go to online stores to buy whatever they need. Amazon and other E-commerce giants have made a huge amount of money during the pandemic. However, businesses that had a weak infrastructure online could not handle the traffic well. They suffered glitches on their online websites, which resulted in them losing customers. So if you go online, make sure you have the proper infrastructure.

2. The E-commerce world is not limited to B2C 

Products that are important for customers’ daily lives are of utmost importance for online stores. The majority of people tend to buy online routine items like pasta, meat, and others. Meanwhile, furniture, luxurious items, vehicles’ spare parts, and others have joined the online world too. You can get whatever you need. Businesses have to keep up with these trends because people have access to everything online now.

3. Self-marketing is possible

With E-commerce, small businesses or entrepreneurs can do their jobs themselves. They can create their online stores as there are several platforms that help them do it. It means they won’t have to take the long, expensive route to engage someone and wait on having your own e-store. 

4. Videos on social media 

Social media is an excellent place to advertise brands, especially on Tiktok or Instagram. There are several creative ways that can make your audience hooked on the content you show. Videos are one way to keep them gauged and entertained. Make sure you create videos that are interesting and keep your customers engaged. It is the easiest and cheapest option out there for you.


With everything becoming online, businesses are rapidly opening up their e-stores. The E-commerce market is growing at an exponential rate. In this situation, you have to craft a marketing strategy that makes you stand out in the crowd. We are an award-winning marketing agency that can chalk out a customized marketing strategy for your online business. If you have any more concerns, please do contact us.