• December 4, 2018
  • Pristine@admin
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Patricia Baronowski-Schneider
Pristine Advisers
New York, NY
Patricia is CEO of Pristine Advisers, an IR/PR/Media Relations/Marketing firm with 33 years of experience working her way to starting her own Company a decade ago. She can be reached at pbaronowski@pristineadvisers.com


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (also known as SOX), adopted on July 30, 2002, is one of the most significant changes in the US federal securities laws in the past 60 years. The act significantly tightens the requirements for financial reporting and the process of its preparation. Adoption of the law was a response to numerous corporate scandals involving unscrupulous managers of large corporations.

The Act created a new regime of control and regulation of financial activities for public companies as well as introduced pivotal changes in the field of management and disclosure requirements. The 11 sections of the act address the issues of auditors’ independence, corporate responsibility, full financial transparency, conflict of interest, corporate financial reporting, etc.

The law outlined the need for companies to establish more transparent, streamlined, and fair investor relations. In this regard, the role of a strong and effective IR has become more important than ever. Investor relations allow building and maintaining an effective dialogue among businesses, investors and, other key market players. IR helps to create a positive image of your company and move it forward.

Why you should Employ Pristine Advisers

Investors and shareholders are critical for a public company of any scale since they are a driving force that helps businesses develop and grow. Therefore, companies should make sure that communication with investors is carried out efficiently, transparently, in a timely manner, and most importantly, in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory bodies. Pristine Advisers has over 33 years of experience in building a successful dialogue between companies and participants in the investment market, and our knowledge and expertise can work for you.

Our team of professionals will help introduce effective investor relations practices that cover a large scope of functions ranging from meetings coordination, preparing conference call scenarios, drafting press releases and presentations, and up to assistance in reporting for shareholders, investors, and regulators.

Investor relations is an important part of your business that not only promotes healthy relationships with your business partners but also ensure long-term prosperity. With Pristine Advisers, your business will be able to achieve the following:

Build long-term trusting relationships with the investment community;

Effectively establish a feedback between the company and investors;

Accurately and timely provide financial data to investors;

Provision non-financial information to support company value;

Strictly follow the rules and regulations regarding securities and stock exchanges;

Accelerate the achievement of the company’s optimal share price that reflects its fundamental value.